Month: April 2020

Stay at home!


As I write at the beginning of April, some sobering figures about coronavirus in the UK confront me: 25,150 people infected;1,789 have died! It is little wonder, therefore, that the Government has continually been restating its key message: STAY AT HOME : PROTECT THE NHS : SAVE LIVES. At Easter, however, Christians remember one Person ….  Read More

Holding on!


In the tsunami of 2004, a mother named Maria Belons and her son found themselves sucked under into the debris filled water and drowning.  Maria was finally able to grab onto a tree, allowing her to surface. In the darkness she called out to her son.  Miraculously he was alive but also struggling against the ….  Read More

Get Tested!


A recurring theme throughout the coronavirus crisis has been the pressure on the Government to increase testing to see if health workers have coronavirus. It reminds us that there is an urgent need for each one of us to test ourselves against the Word of God (the Bible) to discover whether we are sinners. If ….  Read More



Psalm 91 Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from ….  Read More

An Endless Hope


With corona virus sweeping the world, many will ask, is there any hope?  Well, the good news is the Bible has a message of real hope for those who put their trust and confidence in the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians chapter 1 verse 23 speaks of the hope of the Gospel.  ‘Gospel’ means ….  Read More