Month: May 2020

Safe, really safe?


Whatever the message, whether it is ‘Stay Safe’, Stay Alert’ or another prompt for us all to be cautious, we want to be safe, really safe don’t we? The wise king Solomon, renowned for his many sayings still tells us after many centuries the secret of true safely: “The name of the Lord is a ….  Read More

Dashed hopes


There were a couple who lived in fear of an atomic attack and the resulting fall-out of radiation. They realised that a nuclear device detonated many miles away could prove lethal and also, they feared what a domestic nuclear facility could cause if mistakes were made and things went wrong. So, they decided to look ….  Read More

Windows and mirrors


Windows and mirrors. Both owe their usefulness to the glass they are made of. Both may hold helpful reminders to us of how to navigate relationships in these potentially hazardous times. Some may blame the ills they are experiencing to the difficult people around them, or to the ill-advised decisions of government, or to a ….  Read More

Plan – What plan?


It is a week since the Prime Minister addressed the nation to unveil the Government’s plan for easing the lockdown restrictions imposed as a result of Covid-19. Since then, the so-called ‘Plan’ has been severely criticised by the media and the public. People are asking, ‘What Plan?’ They were looking for clear guidance on the ….  Read More

In the beginning …


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In ….  Read More

Who can you trust?


During the past weeks the nation has been hanging on to the words of politicians. Most people have trusted them and sought to follow their advice. However, it was not long before ‘the bubble burst’: some of them went against their own advice and, by so doing, lost our trust. Jesus Christ is a Person ….  Read More

We’ll Meet Again!


How those words rang out a week ago on VE Day and have carried on in minds and thoughts since. Popularised by Dame Vera Lynn when she sang to the allied forces, the lyrics were aimed to comfort those who feared they might not see their loved ones again. Centuries earlier, on the eve of ….  Read More

Not worthy?


There is a very real sense in which we should approach God in humility, with no arrogance or foolish personal pride. He is the great one and we are simply those who are privileged to approach Him through Jesus Christ His Son. We are utterly insignificant when compared with the greatness and glory of God. ….  Read More

True Courage!


Nelson Mandela reaffirmed what many leaders have discovered: that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. These days fears are multiplying like the virus that feeds them. If our fears lead us to caution and carefulness, to cleanliness and courteous distancing, to compassion and concern for others, then our fears ….  Read More

The Lady with the Lamp


Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. It is fitting that the Nightingale Hospitals, set up to help cope with the pandemic, should bear her name. She became known as ‘The Lady with the Lamp’. She came to prominence during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers. ….  Read More