Turn up the lights!

William Sydney Porter, the successful 20th century American short-story writer, who was an atheist, was heard to say on his deathbed, ‘TURN UP THE LIGHTS! I don’t want to go home in the dark’. He died at the age of 47 of chronic liver disease, brought on by years of heavy drinking. Sadly, his current ‘home’ is the darkness of a lost eternity, separated from the God he rejected throughout his decadent life. The ‘lights could have been turned up’, even as late as when he was on his deathbed, if he had turned to God in repentance.

There is no need for any one of us to ‘go home in the dark’, if we allow the light of God’s salvation to penetrate our souls that are darkened by sin. Jesus died in the darkness of Calvary and rose from the dead to save us from the darkness of a lost eternity. Through faith in Him, our destiny, beyond this life, can be the uninterrupted light of heaven.

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Please contact us and we will gladly send you one wherever you are.

We will pray for you.

Come back again for another Message of Hope.