Short Prayers

Prayer is speaking to God. He is not impressed by long prayers or long words. He hears short, simple, and sincere prayers. Listen to these three men praying long ago.

The first, a tax collector, had grown rich by cheating others. He was ashamed of his sinful past and burdened by guilt. He went to the temple and prayed, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ Luke chapter 8 verse 13.

The second man was a fisherman, Peter, one of the Lord’s disciples. When he saw the Lord Jesus walking on the stormy sea, he tried to do the same, but he became afraid and began to sink. He was troubled about his present danger – he was going to perish. He cried out in distress, ‘Lord, save me!’ Matthew chapter 14 verse 30.

The third man was a thief who was dying upon a cross beside the Lord Jesus. He too knew of his sin, but he acknowledged that Christ was the sinless Messiah. He was concerned about his future. He would soon die and go into eternity. He called to the Lord Jesus ‘Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom’ Luke chapter 23 verse 42.

All of these short, simple, and sincere prayers were answered immediately with mercy, salvation, and assurance.

Do you pray? Please contact us and we will gladly send you a Bible and literature to help you understand more of these things. We will pray for you. Come back again for another Message of Hope.