Looking Forward Or Looking Backward?

A question that is often asked at this stage of each year is, ‘ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS?’

We would find it strange if someone asked, ‘ARE YOU LOOKING BACKWARD TO CHRISTMAS?’ Interestingly, although the actual word ‘Christmas’ does not appear in the Bible, both questions are addressed in it

The first 39 books, known as the Old Testament, LOOK FORWARD TO ‘CHRISTMAS’, particularly, in the sections known as PROPHECIES. When sin invaded the world, through Satan’s deception of Adam and Eve, God said to Satan, ‘I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed. He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel’, Genesis chapter 3 verse 15. This is a remarkable prophecy, standing, as it does, at the fountain head of the Bible; indeed, the remainder of the Old Testament POINTS FORWARD to the fulfilment of the prediction. God pronounced judgement on Satan but He also demonstrated His grace by promising salvation from sin through the coming of the Messiah, the Saviour of the world! This verse in Genesis makes it clear that the pathway to salvation would mean suffering for the Deliverer (‘bruise His heel’) but it would end in Satan’s defeat (‘bruise your head’).It LOOKS FORWARD to the battle between Christ and Satan on the cross at Calvary.

Have you LOOKED FORWARD, with the writers of the Old Testament, TO CHRISTMAS, i.e. to the birth of Jesus into this world to be God’s Deliverer from sin and Satan’s power?

BUT ARE YOU ALSO LOOKING BACKWARD TO CHRISTMAS? The hymn writer encourages us to do so!

Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came,

Born in a manger to sorrow and shame;

Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His Name

Seeking for me, for me!

Read more for yourself of the wonder of the promise of the Saviour. Please contact us and we will gladly send you a Bible. We will pray for you. Come back again for another Message of Hope.