1 Samuel 25 verses 1-42
Recently, we considered three New Testament women who shone like beacons in the early days of the Christian church. I invite you, this week, to consider three Old Testament women, who also achieved great things for God.
Firstly, let’s turn to ABIGAIL, who is described as ‘a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance’ verse 3. She reminds us that ‘man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’, 1 Samuel 16 verse 7. Indeed, everything we read about her confirms this initial description of her. Certainly, she bears an appropriate name! ‘Abigail’ means ‘the father’s delight’. There is no doubt that she brought delight to God’s heart and also to King David’s heart. She challenges us as to whether ‘we make it our aim to be well pleasing to Him (the Lord)’, 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 9.
It is disappointing that her husband did not bring the same delight to others as she had done. He might have had all the external trappings (shepherds, shearers, sheep, goats etc.) but none of the internal attributes that would have endeared him to others. Everything he had was for his own pleasure and gratification; indeed, he even rejected David, when he was in need, verses 7-9. We are not surprised to discover his name, NABAL, means ‘foolish’! Even his own servants were deeply distressed at his attitude and reported their concerns to ABIGAIL. It says a great deal about her that they felt able to pour out their concerns about him to his wife and know that they would receive sound judgement.
She recognised the real dangers of rejecting King David, God’s chosen king. Unlike her husband, she was prepared to stand alongside his failure and that of the people and interceded for them, verses 24 & 25. She expressed her total loyalty to David, who received her offering and she became his wife, following death of her husband!