David’s Heart (2/3)

Suggested reading: 2 Samuel chapter 9 verses 1-13

David’s heart for Mephibosheth
Mephibosheth’s grandfather was Saul, Israel’s first king, who was opposed to David. As a result of this hostility, Mephibosheth lived in isolation; additionally, he was lame. Indeed, he described himself as a ‘dead dog’! Any change in his condition rested on the kindness of the king, who was now DAVID.

We have seen, yesterday, that David was a man ‘after God’s heart’; therefore, there was hope for Mephibosheth. It reminds us of the fact that there is no hope for us as sinners, apart from the kindness of God’s heart toward us. We ought to be grateful that ‘the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared’, Titus chapter 3 verse 4, in the sending of Jesus to die for our sins, otherwise our destiny would have been a lost eternity.

David’s treatment of Mephibosheth provides a picture of the nature of God’s kindness towards us:
It does not treat us as we deserve. Mephibosheth might have expected death as a result of his link with Saul, but he found the opposite.
It loves us in spite of our condition. There was nothing attractive about Mephibosheth but David loved him. There is nothing attractive about us as sinners; yet, God loves us!
It makes the first move. David made the first move to bring about reconciliation. If it had been left to Mephibosheth, he would never have experienced David’s love.
It reaches out to us, where we are. Mephibosheth was lame and could not reach out to David but David brought him near.
It removes fear. Mephibosheth was no longer afraid of the consequences of being linked to Saul.
It restores to us what it did not take away. Mephibosheth received more than he could have expected – not only his land but a place at the king’s table!

As David said to Mephibosheth, so God says to each of us today, ‘Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness’.