How strong is your faith? It has been said, ‘Faith, like muscles, will grow stronger with exercise.’ The disciples once asked Jesus to increase their faith, Luke chapter 17 verse 5. They had to learn that, rather than having more faith, they needed their faith strengthened.
This second miracle (sign) in John’s Gospel that happened at THE SEVENTH HOUR, focuses more on the faith of the nobleman than on the miracle itself. Indeed, we witness faith that grew and flourished. At first, it could only be described as ‘weak’, even though he was prepared to take a lengthy journey from Capernaum to seek help for his son. His primary concern appears to have been for the boy’s physical, not spiritual, welfare. Nevertheless, at least he came to the right Person for help and at the right time, i.e. THE SEVENTH HOUR, verses 52-53. SEVEN, in the Bible, is God’s number and it is linked with the thought of perfection. A perfect and complete work of healing was to take place at this particular seventh hour!
Faith in the nobleman began, when he was attracted to Jesus, verse 47. Our faith will never strengthen if it is not centered in Him; indeed, the moment we take our eyes off Him, it will weaken. His faith strengthened, when he took Jesus at His word, ‘Go your way, your son lives’, verse 50. Is the word of God enough for you or are you always looking for more proof that you can trust Him? Do you:
- sometimes doubt your salvation?
- sometimes doubt the power of prayer?
- sometimes doubt whether the Lord will supply your daily needs?
- sometimes doubt whether the Lord cares?
Let us pray with the hymn writer: Oh for a faith that will not shrink, though pressed by many a foe; that will not tremble on the brink of poverty or woe.