The Great Pot (1)

Suggested reading: 2 KINGS chapter 4 verses 38-41

If we are prepared to stop and meditate upon them, the small and seemingly insignificant things in life can teach us great spiritual lessons. The Bible is full of examples that illustrate the truth of this. Naturally speaking, we might believe that there is not much of importance that we could learn from a POT. I hope our meditations this week will cause us to think again!

We begin with people in great need. Although they are prophets, living in Gilgal in the land of Israel, they are faced with a famine and only death awaits them and their people. They appear to have lost sight of God and deduced that if they could not provide any answers to their predicament, neither could anyone else. Naturally speaking, their reasoning was based on common sense, BUT to a person of faith, it was foolish. Paul reminded the Christians at Corinth later on, God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty, 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 27.

It was as well for these prophets and their people that ELISHA, a man of God arrived. He pointed to a simple POT. I doubt whether any there that day believed that an answer could be found to their hopeless position in a POT, no matter how large it was! However, Elisha’s instructions concerning the POT were clear:

  1. PUT ON THE LARGE POT, verse 38. Elisha knew that God would provide what was required to meet the needs of ALL the people! The same is true as far as our need of a Saviour from sin is concerned – in sending Jesus Christ to be our Saviour from sin, Paul reminds us, But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, 2 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 2.
  1. We ought to give thanks to God continually for ‘the great pot of His grace’!

To be continued