Month: July 2022

Genesis Chapter 24 Verses 50-67


Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, “The thing comes from the Lord; we cannot speak to you either bad or good. 51 Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be your master’s son’s wife, as the Lord has spoken.” 52 And it came to pass, when Abraham’s servant heard their words, that he worshipped the Lord, bowing himself to the earth. 53 Then the servant brought out jewellery ….  Read More

Verse For The Day


“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17. Isn’t it strange that Christians are reminded to pray? It is like telling folks to breathe. Even more strange is that Christians need to be reminded to keep on praying – and not to stop. It has been well said that “the greatest tragedy in life ….  Read More

Genesis chapter 24 verses 22-49


So it was, when the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a golden nose ring weighing half a shekel, and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels of gold, 23 and said, “Whose daughter are you? Tell me, please, is there room in your father’s house for us to lodge?” 24 So she said to him, “I am the daughter of Bethuel, Milcah’s son, whom she ….  Read More

Samson (6)


Some Nazarite vows were for a limited period of time – e.g. 30, 50, 60 days, whereas others began at birth and were, therefore, life-long. This meant that each day from birth a Nazarite had to be acutely aware of how seriously God viewed sin. Even if a sin committed was considered to have been ….  Read More