Abraham – Looking For The City (2)

SUGGESTED READING: Genesis chapter 11 verses 27-32; chapter 12 verses 1-5; Hebrews chapter 11 verses 8-10.

  • in our last meditation we noted how remarkable Abraham’s faith was; however, it was not ‘natural’ faith – it was a gift from God that strengthened over time, reaching its pinnacle in him being prepared to offer up Isaac on Mt Moriah, Genesis chapter 22.
  • on one occasion, the disciples wrongly asked the Lord to INCREASE THEIR FAITH, Luke chapter 17 verse 5 – they failed to realise that they did not need more faith – they needed the faith they already had, strengthened.
  • we cannot get more faith than we had when we were first saved by God’s grace – our prayer must always be, Lord, increase our faith and we will be amazed what God can do in and through us!
  • for Abraham, his call by God to move by faith was remarkable – he was called to leave his country (political), people (social), family (personal).
  • God’s call remains the same today – meditate for a while on what you would be prepared to leave behind for Him today.
  • Abraham’s decision to move and look for a city would have caused a major stir – he was one of the most wealthy and influential citizens in the city of Ur – as far as his neighbours were concerned, he was leaving everything on the flimsy basis that some unknown deity had called him!
  • their advice would have been not to listen to the unknown voice and to stay with what and who he knew – he already had a city to live in, why seek for another?

Meditate today on whether you are content with what you have and where you are – what would make you leave it all behind? Meditate on how you think God speaks to us today?