Month: July 2022

Samson (5)


I imagine that many of us can recall occasions when we have ‘sailed close to the wind’ and believed that we could get away with a wrong deed, because there did not seem to be much harm in what we were doing. This was, indeed, the story of Samson’s life. separation from wine and strong ….  Read More

Samson (4)


Our previous meditations on Samson have hopefully encouraged us to give some thought as to why we often find it hard to live a distinct and different Christian life. Under a Nazarite vow, Samson was obligated to live a disciplined life that was evidenced by his appearance, abstinence from wine and strong drink and avoidance ….  Read More

1 Corinthians Chapter 8


Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. 2 And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. 3 But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him. 4 Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and ….  Read More

Verse For The Day


“Prayers … be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority …” 1 Timothy chapter 2 verses 1-2. Have you prayed today? Did you remember to pray for your Prime Minister or President today? Your local councillors and Mayor? The Bible clearly teaches us to pray for “all men, for kings and all who ….  Read More

Genesis Chapter 24 Verses 1-21


Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. 2 So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh, 3 and I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife ….  Read More

Samson (3)


By meditating upon the Old Testament character of Samson, we have been considering some of the reasons as to why we often find it so hard to live a Christian life that is distinct and different. Maybe we find it more comfortable to believe that living such a life is only for a selected few. ….  Read More

Samson (2)


We asked ourselves three questions at the close of our previous meditation, based on the Old Testament character of SAMSON: How distinctive and different from others is your Christian life? Does it encourage others to follow the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, where are you going wrong? If the answers to these questions are not ….  Read More

Samson (1)


Suggested reading: Numbers chapter 6 verses 1-21. When Jesus returned to heaven after His death and resurrection, He left His disciples on earth to continue His work. The religious leaders of the day regarded them as uneducated and unlearned men; nevertheless, they recognised that they could not be ignored, because they had gained the attention ….  Read More