Hannah – For This . . . I Prayed (3)

Suggested reading: 1 Samuel chapter 1 verses 8-18

  • How do you address God, when you speak to Him in prayer? Many Christians hardly ever give much thought to this important matter and reduce it to the first thought that enters their mind. If Hannah was present with us in our worship today, she would put us to shame. Her first words to God were, O LORD OF HOSTS, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child . . ., 1 Samuel 1 verse 11.
  • The word ‘HOSTS’ probably first had special reference to angels; however, the title ‘LORD OF HOSTS’ (Jehovah Sabaoth) was used to designate God as the One who is supreme over the innumerable hosts of spiritual agencies or the armies of heaven. Eventually it became equivalent to the Lord all Sovereign.
  • It was a term used by the people in times of failure, captivity, need and weakness. It is interesting to note, therefore, that the term appears 14 times in the prophecy of Haggai and 52 times in the prophecy of Zechariah, both of which are set at a time when the Jews were under the domination of other powers!
  • A study of 1 Samuel informs us that at this time there was no king, no open vision, no glory and no smith to make spears or swords. It is difficult to envisage a more barren scene than this physically and spiritually – there was absolutely nothing for God or the people!
  • As we meditate upon this emptiness, it does not take much imagination to compare it to the scene in most of our situations today. Indeed, we might wonder whether there is any way to rise above it.
  • Hannah showed that there was a way! She DEVELOPED A BURDEN and A VISION! She was not prepared to let the situation overwhelm her. The need of the hour was for a man child to lead them, but she was barren; however, she knew that God was Sovereign and in control. She knew that she did not have the answer to the people’s predicament but she knew that God did.
  • We rejoice to know that her God is our God – He has not changed.