They Speak Of Him

Suggested reading: Exodus chapter 12 verses 1-20


Once each Israelite household had taken their lamb, kept it, killed it, and applied the blood to the doorposts and lintel, God instructed them to EAT IT. He gave clear guidance as to how it should be eaten. Each aspect points us to Christ:

  • not raw or sodden with water – it had to come into contact with the full force of the fire
  • roast with fire – it reminds us that Christ felt the full force of the wrath of God on the cross for our sin
  • with unleavened bread – leaven speaks of evil; therefore, unleavened bread speaks to us of Christ, who is holy and without sin – only He could take the judgment for our sin
  • with bitter herbs – it reminded the children of Israel of the bitterness of the slavery they had endured in Egypt – it reminds us of the bitterness of the cross, when Christ died for our sins
  • the head, with the legs – it reminds us of the wisdom and the walk of Christ – He knew no sin (2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21) and He did no sin (1 Peter chapter 2 verse 22) – He was the perfect sacrifice for sin
  • nothing remaining until the morning – it was not to be treated as a common meal or left to corrupt – Christ knew no corruption, when He died
  • eaten in haste – the Israelites had to be ready to be delivered from the bondage of Egypt at any moment – are you ready for the return of Christ at any moment?
  • no bone was to be broken – everything associated with the Passover spoke of divine unity that can never be broken
  • eaten, only by those who were circumcised – no strangers could join in with this occasion – only those who have trusted in Christ as their Saviour can enter into the enjoyment of deliverance from the slavery of sin and Satan’s power

For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us, 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7.