They Speak Of Him – I Am A Worm And No Man

Suggested reading: Psalm 22 verses 1-31

Let us meditate upon the descriptions given to the Sufferer in this Psalm. They will lead us to the conclusion that He is none other than Jesus Christ!

  • MY PRECIOUS LIFE (NKJV / NIV; My darling KJV), verse 20:

It speaks to us of the unique place that Christ holds in the affections of God the Father

it can be rendered My only One; My only-begotten – it was often used of an only child.

  • THE RULER (Governor, KJV) OVER T`HE NATIONS, verse 28:

It tells us that all authority in heaven and earth belong to Him – For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on the earth Colossians chapter 1 verse 16. This will be seen to be true in the future, Revelation chapter 12 verse 15 – BUT it has always been true, as it is today!

  • A WORM, verse 6:

It is humbling to think that the One who is described as the hind (deer) of the dawn, the precious One and the ruler over the nations should become a WORM – downtrodden, despised, humiliated and rejected!

The Hebrew word for WORM is ‘tolaath’ = a little worm, which was crushed and beaten to produce an expensive crimson dye for use on clothing, only worn by the rich

Isaiah, the prophet, tells us, And He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death Isaiah chapter 53 verse 9.

One Christian commentary says, ‘He became the worm, crushed in death, that we might be robed in glory. Christ was wounded, bruised and shed His blood that we might be clothed in garments of salvation.

  • NO MAN, verse 6:

Speaking many years in advance of His coming into the world and His death, Isaiah predicted, His visage was so marred more than any man . . . He has no from or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him Isaiah chapter 52 verse 14; chapter 53 verse 2-3.

To be continued