Togetherness (1)

Within a large group of people, there is often a smaller group of two or three, who form an affinity with each other that sets them apart, on occasions, from the rest. This proved to be the case with Jesus’ chosen group of twelve disciples, who accompanied Him throughout His three years of public service in the land of Israel. There was a special bond between Peter, James and John: indeed, they were selected by Jesus to witness events that the other nine disciples did not see.

However, within this group of three, it appears as if Peter and John experienced a closeness to each other that was unique to them. They are often seen TOGETHER, without James. Clearly, their characters gelled TOGETHER and they had the same spiritual desires. They worked well TOGETHER and enjoyed each other’s company. It is a great blessing to find a like-minded Christian, with whom we can share close fellowship in service for the Lord Jesus. We can learn much from Peter and John. They accomplished so much TOGETHER that they would not have achieved on their own.


`So they both ran together’, John chapter 20 verse 4 – their joint pursuit took them to the tomb where Jesus had been placed following His crucifixion. John outran Peter but the harmony between the two meant that he waited for Peter to arrive. There is no room for pride or ‘one-upmanship’ in Christian service. They demonstrated true fellowship. The joint result was that they both found out the same thing – an empty tomb!

Soon after, along with other disciples, they encountered the risen Lord Jesus on the shore of the sea of Tiberias. John’s first reaction was to single out Peter and say, ‘It is the Lord!’ John chapter 21 verse 7. Their ‘togetherness’ was truly rewarded! I trust that we can all join TOGETHER today and say, ‘We have seen by faith the risen Saviour.’ 

To be continued