Togetherness (3)

We continue with our previous meditation on the ‘togetherness’ of Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples.


We have already noted that they pursued, prayed and preached TOGETHER. They made no secret of these things as they witnessed to their allegiance to Christ. They achieved TOGETHER what they would have found much more difficult to accomplish individually. Inevitably their loyalty to Christ and passion for preaching the gospel attracted opposition from the opponents of these things; therefore, they soon experienced being PERSECUTED TOGETHER. Once again, they would have undoubtedly gained great strength from standing TOGETHER. We read that their accusers ‘laid hands on them, and put them in custody until the next day, for it was already evening’, Acts chapter 4 verse 3. Their example sets us a great challenge. Would we be prepared to suffer TOGETHER with our fellow believers, if we were facing persecution. For some Christians in the world, this is a daily experience for them!


The faith that Jesus had in Peter and John was shown, initially, in His choice of them to be among the twelve disciples. His faith was shown again, when He chose them for a special task immediately prior to His crucifixion. His desire was to celebrate a last Passover meal with His disciples. He gave Peter and John the privilege of preparing for the occasion: ‘And He sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat’, Luke chapter 22 verse 8. Little did they know how important this occasion would be; nevertheless, they carried out His instructions to the letter, which led to Him instituting a new ‘feast’ – now known as the Lord’s Supper or Breaking of Bread (the scriptural terms). Some refer to it today as Holy Communion. Each week since, Christians have taken bread and wine and obeyed Jesus’ words, ‘Do this in remembrance of Me’, Luke chapter 22 verse 19. It was a great responsibility for Peter and John to prepare and be present on this occasion. Do you count it as such, each week, to remember the Lord TOGETHER with your fellow believers? It is the greatest expression of our TOGETHERNESS!
