Who Am I? (1)

The twelve disciples of Jesus met numerous people as they travelled with Him throughout the land of Israel. One day He asked them who the people thought He was. They replied that some thought He was John the Baptist, others that He was Elijah and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets. However, He went on to ask them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’, Matthew chapter 16 verses 13-15. Simon Peter replied, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’, Matthew chapter 16 verse 16.

If we were to venture out on to the streets where we live and ask the same question of passers-by, we would also be greeted by a variety of responses. I suspect that the majority of these would simply be people’s personal opinions and very few would be based on what the Bible says of Him. When Luke wrote the third of the four Gospels that open the New Testament, he used the word ‘SUPPOSED’ on a number of occasions to describe people’s responses to the question as to who Christ was. They based their beliefs on their opinions, rather than on the truth of the Word of God, e.g.

  • they SUPPOSED He was the son of Joseph, Luke chapter 2 verse 44
  • they SUPPOSED that He had come to bring peace on earth, Luke chapter 12 verse 51
  • even His disciples SUPPOSED that they had seen a spirit, when they saw Him after He rose from the dead, Luke chapter 24 verse 37
  • Mary and Joseph SUPPOSED that He was with them and the rest of their company, when they left Jerusalem, following their celebration of the Feast of the Passover, Luke chapter 2 verse 44

To be continued