Most people in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, would have referred to Him as ‘Joseph’s son’ or ‘the carpenter’s son’, Matthew chapter 13 verse 55. Even Mary said to him on one occasion, ‘Your father (referring to Joseph) and I have sought for You anxiously’, Luke chapter 2 verse 48.
If these statements had been true, Jesus would have been born naturally, just like each one of us! As such, He could never have saved Himself, let alone become our Saviour from sin. Indeed, our faith would be based on a supposition, rather than on faith in God’s Word; indeed, if He had been the son of Joseph, He would have been born a sinner like all mankind! The Bible teaches us that when God brought Him into the world, He bypassed the mainstream of human sin and brought Him in, born of a virgin and born of the Holy Ghost, i.e., He was born holy and without sin! The Angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born WILL BE CALLED THE SON OF GOD’, Luke chapter 2 verses 35-36.
It is supposition to call Him, ‘the son of Joseph’ – His birth was NOT natural.
THE BIBLE calls Him, THE SON OF GOD – His birth was DIVINE!
To be continued