The Right Way (1)

The Bible teaches us that, ‘There is A WAY THAT SEEMS RIGHT to a man, but its end is THE WAY OF DEATH’, Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12. Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, wrote about the numerous false teachers that abounded in the 1st century AD, ‘They have forsaken THE RIGHT WAY and gone astray’, 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 15. The centuries may have rolled on but things remain very much the same. We are almost afraid to say today that there is a RIGHT WAY, i.e. GOD’S WAY. This WAY is found in GOD’S WORD, THE BIBLE!

One hymn writer expresses it in this way:

Walk thou with Him, that WAY is light; all other pathways end in night!

Walk thou with Him, that WAY is rest, all other pathways are unblest.

In the following meditations, we will consider what the Bible says about THE RIGHT WAY and challenge ourselves as to whether we have found it.


  • ‘having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by A NEW AND LIVING WAY’, Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19.

this was a life changing truth to a 1st century Jew – to discover that s/he could do what the High Priest was only permitted to do, once a year!

  • through simple trust in the Person and work of Jesus Christ, they could enter into the immediate presence of God in heaven, at any time and on and every day of the year; indeed, they could approach, without fear!
  • all this was possible through His death (shed blood) on the cross and resurrection
  • this dramatically changed the life of every believing Jewish person; indeed, it can change the life of every person, whatever their national heritage
  • ask the question – has it changed mine?

To be continued