The Right Way (3)

On some occasions we might feel that we have found the right way and we might be tempted to stick with a pathway that has appeared to be successful. However, we must always be prepared to change direction if God indicates to us ANOTHER WAY. As we draw near to another Christmas season, our attention is drawn to those who were prepared to change direction, if God indicated that they should. Wise men travelled from the East with one question and one desire: ‘Where is He who is born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him’, Matthew chapter 2 verse 2. They might have concluded that King Herod and his wise men had directed them to their destination, so that they could fulfil their desire to worship Christ. However, the Bible makes it clear that they had gone THE RIGHT WAY and reached their desired destination by following the star that God had placed in the sky to guide them.

Once again, when their mission was complete, naturally speaking, they might have concluded that it was perfectly safe to return home the same way they had come, via Herod the King. Nevertheless, they showed great wisdom by continuing to listen to God’s voice and were prepared for Him to show them ANOTHER WAY home, which guaranteed them safe passage. Shortly after, God instructed Joseph to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt to avoid the murderous intentions of Herod. Naturally speaking, it was a strange way to go, but it was GOD’S WAY; therefore, THE RIGHT WAY.

We too must be open to God showing us ANOTHER WAY, if we are to be certain of remaining on the RIGHT PATH to fulfill His purposes in our lives.
