Sorrow On The Sea (1)

God said, through Isaiah the prophet, ‘But the wicked are like the TROUBLED SEA, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. “There is no peace”, says my God, “for the wicked”, Isaiah chapter 57 verses 20-21. ‘THE SEA’ is, therefore, a picture in the Bible of the restless nations that make up our world.

God also said, through Jeremiah the prophet, ‘There is sorrow (trouble) on the sea; it cannot be quiet’, Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 23.

Even the most casual of observers, particularly over the past two years or so, would have little difficulty in being convinced, along with these two well-known prophets that there is ‘sorrow (trouble) on the sea’. There appears to be no limit to the lengths that nations will go to in order to gain the ascendancy over each other. Even chemical and nuclear warfare are raising their ugly heads again at this present time. It is also abundantly clear that no actions of men will produce lasting peace; indeed, they merely cast up more ‘mire and dirt’. The conclusion is that ‘the sea’ will never rest!

It is interesting to observe that the final book in the Bible predicts that the coming Antichrist will rise up ‘out of THE SEA’ (the Gentile nations), Revelation chapter 13 verse 1. This will be followed by a seven-year period of unparalleled trouble and restlessness, the like of which mankind will not have experienced before! It is a great comfort for Christians to know that when this time of sorrow is unveiled among the nations on earth, we will already be enjoying the uninterrupted peace and safety of heaven! There will be no sorrow there; indeed, this is confirmed by the calming words of Scripture, ‘AND THERE WAS NO MORE SEA’, Revelation chapter 21 verse 1.

To be continue