He Was Alone (2)

We continue with our meditation upon the subject of Christ’s LONELINESS.


  • ‘And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son, Hear Him!’ When the voice had ceased, JESUS WAS FOUND ALONE’, Luke chapter 9 verses 35-36
  • initially, this mountain top seems to be crowded!
  • it starts with 6 men – Jesus, Peter, James, John, Moses & Elijah
  • it moves to 3 men – Jesus, Moses & Elijah (Peter, James & John are asleep) – all three are mountain-top men; all three are linked with an exodus (Jesus from death at Jerusalem; Moses from slavery in Egypt; Elijah from idolatry of Baal worship)
  • it ends with ONE MAN – JESUS ALONE. He is transfigured – just for a moment He is transfigured before the disciples – they have a glimpse of His coming millennial glory, when He will reign on the earth in righteousness for 1000 years!
  • Peter suggests three tabernacles are erected in honour of Jesus, Moses and Elijah – he fails to understand that Jesus MUST stand alone – God says, ‘Hear Him’HIS GLORY MUST STAND ALONE – all God has to say begins and ends with Him!
  • The law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah) are fulfilled in Him. He is the focus of the Old Testament, the focus of history, the focus of eternity; indeed, He is the focus of everything!

To be continued