He Was Alone (3)

We conclude our meditation upon the subject of Christ’s LONELINESS. We have noted that He stands supreme and ALONE in His HOLINESS and His GLORY. However, we learn in the Scriptures that the path to these things was via SORROW AND SUFFERING.


No where is this more dramatically and poignantly portrayed than in the words of Psalm 102.

  • ‘Because of the sound of my groaning My bones cling to My skin. I am like a pelican of the wilderness; I am like an owl of the desert. I lie awake, and am like a sparrow ALONE ON THE HOUSETOP’ verses 5-7.
  • PELICANS are usually found in flocks and do exactly what their leader does. However, when bringing forth and rearing their young they become solitary birds. The female bird sits ALONE on the edge of a swamp, with her head on her breast.
  • SPARROWS are gregarious birds and rarely seen However, when they lose their mate, they can often be found on the rooftops of houses, lamenting for hours with a melancholy song.
  • This heart-rending Psalm begins with the words, Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to You. Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble … My heart is stricken and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat my bread’ verses 1-2,4.
  • It is difficult to read the Psalm without being drawn to meditate on the LONELINESS of Jesus on the cross. He was shortly to return to His Father in heaven BUT His pathway to glory was by way of sorrow and suffering.  Indeed, this same pathway made it possible for us to have forgiveness of sines and an eternal home in heaven.

Praise Him!  Concluded