Thought For The Day

Comfort, ye, comfort ye My people! says your God 

At this time of year in the United Kingdom many churches, cathedrals and choirs arrange performances of ‘Handel’s Messiah’. This is large musical composition for orchestrachoir and soloists based on the Bible concerning the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  George Handel was responsible for the music and Charles Jennens the words, all of which have served to make it world famous since it was first performed in Dublin on 13 April 1742.

The music is electric and the compilation of Bible verses is memorable.  The opening words that are sung are from an old Bible prophet: “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people! says your God” Isaiah chapter 40 verse 1.

The message is one of hope and blessing, and is a reminder the same is true this Christmas season.  The Christmas lights and decorations are exciting, the presents are welcome but all will pass and leave us.  But the word of God is different, it brings hope and blessing and that can never be taken from us. 

  • “Comfort ye, comfort ye …” with all our worries and concerns, God brings comfort and power. The next verse will say “her iniquity is pardoned.” Do you know God’s pardon?
  • “My people” how wonderful that God looks upon us broken and sinful and still wants a people.
  • “says your God” it is God who speaks and that personally. Praise God He is not remote and distant.

 We do pray as you read these daily contributions that God Himself will bring you to the true purpose of Christmas – receiving Christ as your own Saviour.  This is a hope and blessing that are eternal.

 Happy Monday!