They Saw Him (3)


‘And when they (the wise men) had come into the house, THEY SAW THE YOUNG CHILD WITH MARY HIS MOTHER, and fell down and worshipped Him’, Matthew chapter 2 verse11.

It has often been said that WISE MEN always SEEK for Christ; and when wise men FIND Him, they always WORSHIP Him.  How wise are you and I? When did we last ‘SEE’ CHRIST AND WORSHIP HIM? The wise men took a very long journey to see Jesus. It might well have taken them 3 or 4 months to reach the house where He was. But it was a thrill for them to SEE Him and it stimulated them to offer Him their gifts!

How much effort do you and I make to ‘see’ him by faith? When we ‘find’ Him, do we have anything to offer Him? Worship is all about a PERSON, not a place, a building or people. The wise men from the east said, ‘we have seen HIS STAR . . . . we have come to WORSHIP HIM.’ Our worship should always be centred on Christ.

The gifts the wise men brought to the young child spoke of Christ:

  • The gold spoke of His deity and glory.
  • The frankincense spoke of the fragrance of His lovely life, lived for the pleasure of His Father.
  • The myrrh, which was a bitter herb, spoke of His suffering and death.

Are there times when we have a genuine desire to worship and to meet with fellow Christians to worship the Lord or do we simply do so out of habit or custom? Can we honestly say with the hymn writer?

My heart is full of Christ and longs its glorious matter to declare.

Of HIM I make my loftier songs and cannot from His praise forbear.