Is The Young Man Safe? (3)

In our previous two meditations under this heading, we have been considering two YOUNG MEN who might have been confident that they were safe and secure for ever. However, when we asked the question of each one of them, ‘IS THE YOUNG MAN SAFE?’ we had to conclude that they were not. They did not understand that there is only ONE WAY to gain eternal security and salvation.

One nineteenth century hymn-writer expressed it in this way and his words are as true today as they were when they were written!

Not saved are we by trying, from self can come no aid;

‘Tis on the blood relying, once for our ransom paid;

‘Tis looking unto Jesus, the Holy One and Just;

‘Tis His great work that saves us, it is not Try but Trust!


‘Twas vain for Israel bitten by serpents on their way,

To look for their own doing, that awful plague to stay;

Their remedy and healing, when humbled in the dust,

Was of the Lord’s revealing, it is not Try, but Trust!


No deeds of ours are needed to make Christ’s merit more;

No frames of mind or feelings, can add to His great store;

‘Tis simply to receive Him, the Holy One and Just,

‘Tis only to believe Him it is not Try but Trust.



It is not Try, but Trust, it is not Try, but Trust,

‘Tis His great work that saves us, it is not Try, but Trust! 

(Author: Edward G. Taylor; Music: George W. Stebbins)