Christ Foreshadowed (2)


Suggested Reading: 1 Kings chapter 10 verses 14-29

Solomon’s request for a wise and understanding heart pleased the Lord and He rewarded him above what he asked: ‘both riches and honour’, 1 Kings chapter 3 verse 13. He gives superabundantly and so Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches, chapter 10 verse 23.

Solomon’s wealth was so great that even silver was regarded as of little value, chapter 10 verse 21. The presence of gold (symbol of divine righteousness) was in evidence throughout the kingdom. There was nothing inferior about this gold, for it was the best gold, chapter 10 verse 18 and also pure gold, chapter 10 verse 21. Clearly, a centre-piece in the midst of the vast wealth was the throne of ivory overlaid with the best gold. There was none like it found elsewhere. In addition to Solomon’s own wealth, presents were given to Solomon from all parts of the world, e.g. vessels of silver and gold, garments, armour, spices, horses and mules, chapter 10 verse 25.

As we consider this vast wealth, our hearts ought to be drawn to the Person of Jesus Christ, the One who is GREATER THAN SOLOMON! He is indescribably rich. Paul reminded the Christians at Corinth that, ‘though He was rich (abounding in wealth), yet for your sakes He became poor (destitute), that you through His poverty might become rich’, 1 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9. He did not ‘become rich’ – He was always such! Paul writes, ‘For all things were created through Him and for Him’, Colossians chapter 1 verse 16. However, in wondrous grace, willingly and voluntarily, He ‘became poor’, so that we, through faith in Him, could become indescribably rich! He humbled Himself and submitted Himself to death on a cross for our sins. Praise God, He rose from the dead and now sits on His Father’s throne in Heaven, a throne far higher than Solomon ever sat upon. The hymn writer expresses it like this:

The highest place that heaven affords is His by sovereign right.

The King of kings and Lord of lords, and heavens eternal light.