Christ Foreshadowed


Suggested Reading: 2 Kings chapter 2 verses 1-15

It would be difficult to read in the Bible about Elijah’s departure from earth without being prompted also to meditate upon the return of the Lord Jesus to heaven after His death, burial and resurrection.

THE PARALLELS are interesting and instructive:

  1. Both had completed their earthly journey.
  2. Both had endured hostility and rejection from those who hated them without a cause.
  3. Both displayed deep and genuine concern for the welfare of those who would be left behind, when they departed – the Lord (His disciples); Elijah (Elisha, who would succeed Him).
  4. Both ensured that those left behind were not impoverished – the Lord sent His disciples another Comforter (the same as Himself); Elijah’ servant received a double portion of his spirit.
  5. Both left their successors in a good place – Jesus led the disciples to Bethany, Luke chapter 24 verse 50; Elijah & Elisha parted company on dry ground, 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 8.
  6. The service of Elisha and the disciples began with the sight of a man (Elijah/Christ) going up into heaven.

THE CONTRASTS emphasise the uniqueness of Christ:

  1. Elijah was translated to heaven BUT Christ ascended to heaven.
  2. God took Elijah up into heaven BUT Christ was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God – no other man is entitled to sit where He sits.
  3. Elijah was taken to heaven without passing through death BUT Christ went via the cross at Calvary.
  4. ELIJAH’S pathway to heaven was dramatic – whirlwind, chariot, horses of fire BUT Christ’s exodus was from the calm of Bethany and a cloud received Him

Elijah’s mantle (cloak) fell off & Elisha took it up as his work was not completed and Elisha was anointed to carry it on BUT Christ finished the work that the Father gave Him to do!