Elisha’s Ministry Of Grace (1)

Suggested reading: 2 Kings chapter 6 verses 8-23; chapter 7 verses 1-2.

Elijah, Elisha’s predecessor, was a prophet associated with earthquakes, wind and fire; however, in contrast, Elisha was ‘a still small voice of GRACE’. John’s Gospel reminds us that, ‘GRACE and truth came through Jesus Christ’, John chapter 1 verse 17.


Jehoram, king of Israel, found himself and the Israelite army in a favourable position, when they were faced by Ben-Hadad, king of Syria. Jehoram’s record as king, showed that he was undeserving of God’s mercy; yet, through Elisha, he was delivered from the Syrians. Ben-Hadad’s plans to annihilate Jehoram and Israel’s army were revealed by God to Elisha, who communicated them to Jehoram; therefore, every move he made came to nothing! He had to learn the lesson that one man, if God is with him, is stronger than a great host without God. Ultimately, God smote the Syrian army with blindness.

As far as Jehoram was concerned, a blinded Syrian army was at his mercy. He asked Elisha, ’My father, shall I kill them? Shall I kill them?’ He failed to consider that evil could be overcome by good; therefore, revenge was his uppermost thought. Elisha’s mindset was altogether different! His immediate response was, ‘You shall not kill them . . . Set food and water before them . . . then he prepared a great feast for them’, 2 Kings 6 verses 22-23.

Peter, a disciple of Jesus, used a sword to cut off the ear of one of the servants who had come to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, prior to His crucifixion. The Saviour rebuked him and graciously responded by healing the servant’s ear! Interestingly, it was Peter who later wrote of Jesus, ‘when He suffered, He did not threaten’, 1 Peter 2 verse 23. He had learned the lesson and encouraged others to follow Jesus’ example, when confronted by their enemies.

To be continued