Elisha – Resurrection And Life (4)

Suggested readding: 2 Kings chapter 13 verses 14-23.

We have seen in recent meditations what an influence for good Elisha was in the land of Israel and his departure proved to be a great loss to the kingdom. Although Joash, the king of Israel, had disregarded him throughout his life, his tears at the prospect of his death appeared to be genuine enough. Even on his deathbed, Elisha had the faith to believe the grace and mercy of God were available to bring complete deliverance from the power of Syria. He was justifiably angry at Joash’s lack of faith; yet, his final words on earth were still marked by grace, verse 19.

The time came, when Elisha’s long journey finally ended and ‘he died and was buried’, verse 20. However, his influence did not end at the grave; indeed, the best was yet to be! The last miracle recorded was linked to resurrection and life. As one of Israel’s enemies approached, a dead man’s body was cast into Elisha’s grave, touched his bones and lived!

This last stage in Elisha’s life speaks eloquently to us of Christ. He went about doing good, Acts 10 verse 38 and the people ‘wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth’, Luke 4 verse 22. The Psalmist said of Him, ‘Grace is poured upon Your lips’, Psalm 45 verse 2.

Christ is the One who said to Martha, ‘I am the resurrection and  the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?’, John chapter 11 verses 25-26. No prophet, including Elisha, could have spoken these words and fulfilled them. Jesus is the ‘I AM’ (JEHOVAH); He is the source of all life. He annulled the power of death and He is the resurrection and the life for all those ‘dead in trespasses and sins’, who believe in Him.

His question to Martha challenges each one of us: ‘DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?’