Don’t Trust This Man (1)

Suggested reading: 2 Samuel chapter 3 verse 26; chapter 18 verses 5, 14; chapter 20 verses 9-10

King David’s toleration of JOAB was a major blemish on his reign over the nation of Israel. It serves as an important lesson to Christians that if we simply tolerate, instead of banishing, the things associated with our old nature and way of life, they will eventually dominate us and leave us spiritually weak.


Joab was self-centered and never had David’s interests at heart, even though he would have had you believe otherwise. Even when he did the right thing, his actions were designed to gain personal advantage. He reminds us of those of whom the apostle Paul spoke: ‘For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus’, Philippians chapter 2 verse 21. Such men should never be trusted!


Joab would enter the presence of the King, listen to his commands and yet depart and act as if he had not there. He heard David’s wishes concerning the treatment of Abner and Absalom and yet, he slew both of them.


Unlike David, if Joab was wronged, revenge was the uppermost thought in his mind. Following the death of his brother, Asahel, he would not rest until Abner was dead. Many a Christian testimony has been ruined through a vindictive spirit. The Scriptures encourage us to ‘be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you’, Ephesians chapter  verse 32.


King Solomon reminds us of the danger of jealousy. He says that it is ‘cruel as the grave, its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame’, Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 6. It is clear that Joab did not tolerate any rivals. We often see these characteristics displayed by non-Christians but they ought not to mark the pathway of Christians.

To be continued.