The Letter Of James

Suggested reading: JAMES chapter 5


How easily do you lose your patience with people and circumstances that come into your life? The readers of this letter could easily have lost patience with their unscrupulous employers. These rich men held back their rightful wages, verse 4, and also took advantage of the fact that thy did not resist them, verse 6. James made it clear that such men will reap what they sow, verse 1. Indeed, their ill-gotten wealth would be short lived, verses 2-3.

James’ message to his beleaguered readers was clear: ‘Be patient (long suffering with people) therefore, brethren’, verse 7. We might well ask whether it is possible for any believers, including ourselves, to exercise patience in the midst of the hostile circumstances they faced. James gives us the secrets that will enable us so to do.

  • Firstly, we can be confident that we have a God, the Lord of Sabaoth, who hears our cries, verse 4, and He is stronger than our persecutors.
  • Secondly, we can look beyond the dark days through which we are passing to the coming again of the Lord that will bring to an end any injustices we might suffer now at the hands of ungodly men, verses 7-8.
  • Thirdly, we must live in the light of the judgement seat of Christ, where we will have to give an account, along with many other things, how patient we have been with others, verse 9.
  • Fourthly, we can gain encouragement from the patience of others in the midst of their adverse circumstances, e.g. farmers, prophets, and Job, verses 7-11. The Lord always has positive ends in view for us, even if we cannot see them at the time!

One of the greatest tests of our patience can be seen when we face suffering boldly. Patient prayer and confession can see us through the most difficult circumstances that we are called upon to face.