Learn The Lessons From The Past!

The Book of Judges (2)

Suggested reading: Judges chapter 2 verses 1-15

It is easy to criticise the behaviour of the children of Israel when we read the Book of Judges, and yet fail to apply the lessons to ourselves. Today’s reading challenges us to face up to key questions:

  1. Are we taking the Lord’s faithfulness for granted? He reminded the children of Israel of His promise, ‘I will never break my covenant with you’, verse 1. Sadly, they failed to reciprocate and did not obey Him, verse 2. It is a tragedy that in spite of the Lord’s faithfulness towards us, we forsake Him and disregard His Word.
  2. Are we guilty of displaying confidence in the flesh (self)? The angel of the Lord (a preincarnation appearance of Christ) had to come to Bochim to speak to the children of Israel because they had failed to return there. Gilgal was the place where the new generation, who were born in the wilderness, were circumcised. It signified an end to any confidence in the flesh (self) and the need to move by faith. Paul took up the theme as it applies to spiritually to believers today: ‘For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh’, Phil. 3. 3.
  3. Are we depending on the strength of godly leaders at the expense of our own spiritual growth? The children of Israel rested heavily on the spiritual strength of Joshua and the elders that outlived him, but as soon as they passed away, there was a spiritual decline. Indeed, a generation succeeded them that did not know the Lord. There is always a danger that the next generation will not live up to the standards of the previous one. Each generation needs to recognise that it has a responsibility to the next, 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 2.
  4. Are we provoking the Lord to anger by acting as if we can have ‘the best of both worlds’? The children of Israel allowed idolatry to come in; therefore, they experienced the Lord’s anger! verses 12, 14. The lessons will be painful if we think that we can ‘settle down’ alongside this present evil world and imbibe its culture.