Busy In The Lord’s Service!

The Book of Judges (3)

Suggested reading: Judges chapter 4 verses 1-12

There is a danger that we can regard service for the Lord as a male preserve and, by so doing, we fail to notice the vital spiritual contribution that can be made by women. Although it is true that on almost all occasions when a prophetess was used the nation of Israel was in spiritual decline, this should not lead us to view DEBORAH as an unworthy or lesser vessel in God’s service. She possessed the necessary spiritual features that led the Lord to use her to bring about the release of His people from the grip of their dangerous enemies, Jabin, king of Canaan and Sisera, the captain  of his army, verses 2-3.

  • Her name. DEBORAH means a bee. She was busy and industrious in the Lord’s work. Clearly, the Lord could use her at a moment’s notice to speak or act for Him. Are you active and consistently ready to serve the Lord?
  • Her spiritual gift(s). She was a prophetess and never missed an opportunity to communicate God’s mind and will to the people. Do you know what your spiritual gift(s) from the Lord are? Do you use them for the spiritual benefit of others?
  • Her service. Deborah showed that it is possible for a woman to serve the Lord, without moving outside of the God-given sphere for women. She did not ‘force’ herself into the public arena but made herself available to men or women to seek guidance from her. She did not usurp Barak’s leadership role or humiliate him, publicly.
  • Her testimony. Her considerable spiritual gifts granted to her by the Lord. Her husband’s name, Lapidoth, means ‘a bright / shining light’. She was known as ‘the wife of Lapidoth’, verse 4. She embraced the scriptural truth of headship. The children came up to her for judgement.
  • Her dwelling. If anyone wished to consult with Deborah, they could always find her ‘under the palm tree of Deborah’. The palm tree was linked with victory, praise, flourishing and victory. It was an appropriate place for such a spiritual person to be found!
  • Would you be worthy to sit in such a place?