A Verse For Today

Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ Matthew chapter 11 verse 28.

We can do nothing better today than to hear the words of the Lord Jesus, spoken at a time of unbelief. He would reach out to those in need, like us today.

  • Come – how inviting is such a word;
  • to Me, – not to a preacher nor to a priest, but to Christ Himself;
  • all – none excluded, no barriers because of race, culture or even ignorance;
  • you who labour and are heavy laden, – He means you, He knows your true need;
  • and I – He will not delegate this but provide it Himself;
  • will – no wishful, conditional promise but a certain assurance;
  • give you rest – what better gift than REST. To rest from self, from sin, from all our strivings. We can rest fully where heaven rests today, in Christ and in His finished work on the cross.

The Lord Jesus said: ‘The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out’ John chapter 6 verse 37.

Rest in the LORD’ Psalm 37 verse 7.