He Is Risen! (1)

We have meditated, previously, on THE CROSS OF JESUS, which is central to God’s plan of salvation. Inseparably linked to it is His RESURRECTION. In our meditations this week, we will consider three occasions when Jesus demonstrated His power over death.


This incident, Luke chapter 7 verses 11-17, took place near the city of Nain, which means ‘a pasture / pleasant place. As Jesus came close to the city, He met a funeral procession. A widow was going out to bury her son. Nain had become a barren place for her. She had not only been parted in the past from her husband, but her only son had now died. She was truly alone and the tears ran down her face. Many of us will have found that the pleasant places we have experienced in our lives, can also hold bitter memories. We live in a fallen world and none of us is immune from its sorrow and tears!

A large crowd from the city was with this woman but none of them could wipe away her tears or heal her broken heart. They could not reverse the death that was present in the coffin. However, all this changed, when Jesus drew near!

  • He had compassion on (suffered with) her.
  • He wiped away her tears.
  • He touched (grasped on to) the open coffin – others would have feared contamination.
  • He commanded the young man to arise.
  • He sat up and spoke.
  • Jesus delivered him to his mother!

The mourners were astounded. Some concluded that Jesus was a great prophet, but others believed God had visited His people that day. The latter were nearest to the truth. Jesus was, indeed God; therefore, He had power over even death.

If we have not trusted Jesus Christ as our Saviour, the Bible describes us as ‘DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SINS, Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1. However, through faith in Him, we can be made ALIVE together with Him, Colossians chapter 2 verse 13.