Who Is Willing? (1)

Most of us will be able to recall tasks in life that we have undertaken reluctantly. Invariably, the outcomes of those things undertaken in such a negative spirit have been disappointing and unfulfilling. If they had been approached in a more willing frame of mind, the results would have been so much more satisfying.

On one occasion, King David challenged the leaders of the tribes of Israel with this question: WHO THEN IS WILLING to consecrate himself this day to the Lord?, 1 Chronicles chapter 29 verse 5. The leaders and the children of Israel rose to the challenge and they gave willingly an abundance of riches for the future building of the house of God! It is only when we are prepared to give of our time, abilities and possessions in such a spirit that we will experience true joy and satisfaction: ‘Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the Lord; and King David also rejoiced greatly, 1 Chronicles 29 verse 9.

Let us consider this week the aspects of the Christian life, when God encourages us to be WILLING in our service for Him. Following this pathway will bring joy to Him, heaven and ourselves!

Let us, first of all, turn our attention to a remarkable woman, called DEBORAH in the book of Judges. She lived in very dark days for the children of Israel. They were days of anarchy, departure, rebellion and bareness for them. The book of Judges ends with depressing words: ‘In those days there was no king in Israel: everyone did what was right in his own eyes, chapter 21 verse 25. In days of anarchy, there is no place for the Word of God. Life was lived on a do as you please basis!’ Deborah was an exception to the rule. She said, My heart is with the rulers (scribes) of Israel who OFFERED THEMSELVES WILLINGLY with the people. Bless the Lord!, chapter 5 verse 9. She teaches us that there is always something to praise the Lord for, even in the darkest of times. The scribes engraved the Word of God on stone or metal to preserve it; indeed, it was not a drudgery for them to do so – they did it willingly!