Samson (1)

Suggested reading: Numbers chapter 6 verses 1-21.

When Jesus returned to heaven after His death and resurrection, He left His disciples on earth to continue His work. The religious leaders of the day regarded them as uneducated and unlearned men; nevertheless, they recognised that they could not be ignored, because they had gained the attention and respect of people by the miracles they performed and the message they preached. No matter what methods were used to silence them, their determination and courage shone through and the Christian church grew in strength.

Christians today are called upon to display a distinctive lifestyle that marks them out as followers of Jesus Christ. How well do you rise to this challenge? Many of us have to admit that we fall short far too often in this regard. We have a desire to live a life, which is different from others but we lack the necessary commitment and consistency so to do. It might be helpful, therefore, to follow the struggles faced by an Old Testament character, called SAMSON. He was a NAZARITE, which means separated / consecrated. Taking the vow of a Nazarite for a period of time was open to both men and women in Israel; indeed, some, like Samson, were born a Nazarite.

Taking the vow began with the desire to be ‘separated TO the Lord, which then led to a recognition of the need to be separated FROM those things that would hinder fulfilling the vow to be different, e.g., wine, vinegar made from wine, grape juice, fresh grapes, raisins, Numbers chapter 6 verses 2 & 3. Sadly, Samson got this distinction wrong on far too many occasions and his spiritual life suffered as a result.

How distinctive and different from others is your Christian life? Does it encourage others to follow the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, where are you going wrong?

To be continued…