A Small Thing That Points To Christ (4)

In three of our previous meditations, we shared some thoughts about one of the SMALL THINGS in the Old Testament that points us to Christ. Today we will consider the instructions God gave to Moses about another small thing that speaks to us of Christ.

And the Lord said to Moses, Take sweet spices . . . AND YOU SHALL BEAT SOME OF IT VERY FINE (SMALL) and put some of it before the testimony in the tabernacle”, Exodus chapter 30 verses 34-38.

Clearly, the emphasis is on the perfume, which speaks to us of His personal beauty. There was a fragrance about Him that was unique. The ingredients used to make the perfume were precious and rare.

  • No specific quantities were given. The beauties and graces that are resident in Christ are without measure; indeed, we will never discover all of them, even in eternity!
  • The spices used to make the perfume were in equal amounts. Unlike ourselves, every feature of the moral excellence found in Christ is in perfect proportions. One did not outshine or conflict with another.
  • The ingredients were mixed together to form one compound. All the features of the Godhead were brought together in one Person, which naturally speaking was impossible! The apostle Paul wrote, For in Him dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily, Colossians chapter 2 verse 9.
  • The perfume was pure and holy. The root of Christ’s perfection was His holiness; therefore, it was impossible for Him to sin!
  • There were four spices used. They speak to us of the 4 GOSPELS – each one brings out a different facet of the Person of Christ.
  • The spices had to be BEATEN VERY SMALL – the more they were beaten, the greater the fragrance that arose. Christ’s life was put to the severest of tests on the cross, but it only served to bring out His beauty.
  • The perfume was holy for the Lord – it was only His Father, who truly appreciated its fragrance. His death was primarily for His Father’s glory.
  • It must not be imitated. If anyone sought to do so, they would be guilty of death. It emphasises that there can no likeness to Christ in our lives except that which is the work of the Holy Spirit – only then can there be any fragrance about us.