They Speak Of Him

If you were unable to do so prior to the previous meditation, it would be helpful to read Exodus chapter 12 verses 1-42. We follow on from our previous meditation, by considering God’s instructions to the children of Israel concerning the keeping of the Passover. There was a clear order in which things were to happen.

  1. TAKE A LAMB – Exodus chapter 12 verse 3
  • every man was to take a lamb for the household
  • it was carefully selected – not carelessly or haphazardly

  • God’s Lamb (Jesus Christ) was set apart for our salvation in eternity before He was revealed to the world
  • God made preparation for His coming throughout the history of the Old Testament

  • God said in the Old Testament: Behold my Servant, whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights Isaiah chapter 42 verse 1
  • the children of Israel selected a lamb for the Passover out of many lambs but Jesus, the Lamb of God, was chosen, because He was the only One who could accomplish the work of salvation!
  • each lamb for each household for the Passover had to be WITHOUT BLEMISH (complete; entire in character and conduct)
  • Peter adds, in the New Testament – without spot
  • the two thoughts are brought together in the Old Testament in the offering of the red heifer – ‘bring you a red heifer without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which a yoke has never come Numbers chapter 19 verse 2.
  • clearly, it speaks of Christ – He is perfect, whether He is viewed inwardly or outwardly – the yoke of sin never fell on Him!
  • each lamb had to be of the first year – no weakness – pure – strong. Looking forward the Christ, the Psalmist writes, Then You (the Lord God) spoke in a vision to Your holy One, and said, I have given help to One who is mighty Psalm 89 verse 19
  • BUT there was no question of a lamb being too little for the household!

  • Christ is sufficient for all our needs!

To be continued