Who Am I? (3)

It was not Christ’s desire to divide mankind. However, the religious leaders were never going to be united in their view of Him. Most of them refused to accept that He was the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah.

There were also those among the people who were confused and SUPPOSED that He had come to bring peace on earth; however, it soon became evident from the response of most towards Him that they would forfeit this prospect of peace. A multitude of the heavenly host praised God at His birth, saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’ However, far from enjoying peace, men’s hostility brought DIVISION!

When Jesus was with His disciples for three years, He taught them many things that they would not understand until much later on. For example, they had read in the Old Testament about those who had risen from the dead after their death; however, Jesus taught them that He would die, be buried and rise out from among the dead on the third day. This was something new to them. They had never heard about, or seen, someone rising from the dead, never to return to death! They did not understand what Jesus meant by it. It was no surprise, therefore, that when He rose from the dead and appeared in their midst, they SUPPOSED they had seen a spirit. He challenged them to handle and touch Him to prove that He was alive, because a spirit does not have flesh and blood as they could see that He had!

Ever since this time, people have expressed their opinions about His resurrection, in order to explain it away. The Bible continues to challenge us, ‘If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’, Romans chapter 10 verse 9.
