Sorrow On The Sea (2)

In our previous meditation we considered how two Old Testament prophets likened the tossing and turning SEA to the restless nations of the world. This week we will turn our attention to the New Testament; however, although we have moved into a different dispensation, we discover that the SEA has not changed its nature. It is as restless as ever and there is still SORROW upon it:

  • we meet disciples in a boat on the SEA, who thought they were going to perish in the midst of a great storm, Mark chapter 4 verses 35-40
  • we meet a man, possessed by an unclean spirit, who cannot be tamed, living in tombs by the SEA, Mark chapter 5 verses 1-3
  • we discover the distraught ruler of a synagogue near the SEA, whose young daughter was at the point of death and ultimately died, Mark chapter 5 verses 22-23
  • we are introduced, near the SEA, to a woman, who had suffered with a ‘flow of blood’ for 12 years, and was deteriorating, Mark chapter 5 verses 25-35

Each of these incidents, among many others in the New Testament, took place against the background of the SEA – in each of them tears flowed and fear gripped the hearts of the sufferers – there was, indeed, SORROW ON THE SEA!

We might well ask the question, ‘WHO CAN TOUCH THE SORROW ON THE SEA AND MAKE IT CALM?’

  • One who can WALK BY THE SEA‘And Jesus WALKING BY THE SEA, saw two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew his brother . . . and He said unto them, Follow Me’, Mark chapter 4 verses 18-19.
  • One who can SIT IN A BOAT ON THE SEA – ‘He got into a boat and SAT IN IT ON THE SEA’, Mark chapter 4 verse 1
  • One who can SLEEP IN A BOAT ON THE SEA – ‘He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow . . . He said to the sea, Peace be still’, Mark chapter 4 verse 38-39
  • One who can WALK ON THE SEA – ‘Jesus went unto them, WALKING ON THE SEA’, Matthew chapter 14 verse 25

Jesus is the only One, who can bring A GREAT CALM to the troubled SEA and to our troubled lives.

To be continued