They Saw Him (2)


‘He (Simeon) took Him (Jesus) up in his arms and blessed God and said: Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOUR SALVATION’, Luke chapter 2 verses 28-30.

It would seem at first glance that we know very little about Simeon. However, a closer look at what Luke tells us about him, speaks volumes of this sensitive man’s life and character. He was one of the few who stood out from the majority in the midst of a sea of spiritual mediocrity and departure in Jerusalem. There were few who, like him, could be referred to as ‘just’ (faultless, virtuous) and ‘devout’ (reverential), even before Christ was born.

Simeon refused to be demoralised by the distressing conditions that surrounded him. He fully embraced the promises of the Word of God, that there were brighter days ahead. It is so easy for us to engender a spirit of despondency as our various countries fall into increasing negativity to spiritual things. We need to look up and look ahead towards the future that God has in store. Simeon encourages us to engage in a ministry of consolation and hope.

Simeon spent much time reading God’s promises in the Old Testament and SAW much about the promised coming of the Messiah. He had heard a precious personal promise from God that he would not SEE death before he had SEEN the Lord’s Christ. God was true to His promise and the time came, when Joseph and Mary brought Jesus into the Temple. Simeon knew Him immediately, when HE SAW HIM. He took Him in his arms and said, ‘FOR MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOUR SALVATION’.

The more we read the Bible and SEE CHRIST, the greater hope it gives us to face the future with patience and courage!