Is The Young Man Safe? (1)

It is often suggested that the older we become, the more vulnerable we begin to feel. When we are young, we can so easily lull ourselves into a sense of false security and live our lives as if we are here forever. We regard death as something that happens to everyone else but not to me!

It is a sobering exercise to read through the Bible and consider the young men who, from a natural standpoint, were safe and had a long life ahead of them; nevertheless, they were suddenly cut off in the flower of their youth!

Read: 2 Samuel 18 verses 1-33

Let us meditate, first of all, on ABSALOM, one of David’s sons.

On the face of it, he was a YOUNG MAN who had everything he could want. His father was king of Israel, he had a beautiful sister, he had sons and daughters and there was no one more handsome in Israel than himself. As we would say today, the world was at his feet! David his father loved him deeply and would not have withheld anything from him.

Sadly, however, Absalom did not reciprocate. He had a vindictive spirit and would not rest until he arranged for the murder of his half-brother, Amnon, for violating Tamar, Absalom’s beautiful sister. David was informed of this wickedness; therefore, Absalom had to escape to Geshur. Eventually, true to his loving nature, David forgave him and he returned to Jerusalem. Nevertheless, Absalom’s wickedness continued and ultimately, he rebelled against David and led a rebellion against him.  His army was ensnared by David’s men and he sought to escape on a mule. His long hair caught in the boughs of a tree and he was slain by Joab, the commander of David’s army, while he still hung between heaven and earth!

When news of the battle reached David, his first cry was, ‘IS THE YOUNG MAN ABSALOM SAFE?’, 2 Samuel 18 verse 32.The answer was most definitely negative and the young man, who appeared to have everything, departed this life empty-handed! What about you?

To be continued