Who Can?

‘WHO CAN bring a clean thing out of an unclean?’

Suggested Reading: Job chapter 14 verses 1-22

The Bible confronts us with many questions us that often take us outside of our comfort zone. This is particularly so in the Book of Job. It challenges us with the realities of human existence that we would prefer not to face[. The opening phrase of the chapter, ‘Man who is born of woman’, embraces ALL OF US, as each one of us comes into the world in the same manner!

The author Job presents the stark contrasts of human existence: MAN IS:

  • of few days BUT full of trouble
  • like a flower BUT fades away
  • flees like a shadow BUT does not continue
  • has appointed limits BUT cannot pass them

Such an existence was not God’s plan for us. He declared, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion . . . God created man in His image . . . God blessed them, and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply” ’, Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 – 28.

However, we then read of trouble, fleeing, fading away, limits and not continuing. Adam disobeyed God and sin came into the world. He became ‘unclean’ and spoke of life’s sorrows. Job cried out, ‘WHO CAN BRING A CLEAN THING OUT OF AN UNCLEAN?’ Job 14 verse 4. There was only one answer: ‘NOT ONE!’. Isaiah, the prophet, concluded, ‘But we are all like AN UNCLEAN THING, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags’, Isaiah chapter 64 verse 6.

Praise the Lord, however, there is HOPE. Jesus is described in the Bible as ‘holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners’ Hebrews chapter 7 verse 26. He is the only One, who can make us clean. He died on the cross for sinners to make us clean!