The Letter Of James

Suggested reading: JAMES chapter 3

‘The tongue is a fire!’

We have already noted in our past meditations on the letter of James that the things we do give evidence to the reality of our faith. However, it would be wrong to move on from this and suggest that it does not really matter what we say. Although the TONGUE is a little member of our body, it is very powerful. It is like a spark, that is capable of setting a great forest on fire, verse 5. It is so influential that if we were able to keep it under control, we would be able to keep our whole body in check, verse 2. Sadly, such maturity is beyond our grasp; indeed, we all stumble in numerous ways!

Those who teach the Scriptures carry a special for responsibility for the impact their words have upon others, for which they will be held accountable at the judgement seat of Christ, verse 1. This fact ought to prevent us from coveting such a position, if we are not so gifted.

The potential of the tongue that is under control to be a real power for good is illustrated by the bit in a horse’s mouth and the rudder of a great ship. Although they are small, they control the strong horse and large ship, respectively. The bit secures the horse’s obedience and the rudder ensures the ship’s safety through stormy seas. Similarly, a controlled tongue can produce obedience in all areas of our life and prove a blessing to those, including ourselves, who are passing through troubled times.

These latter thoughts are a marked contrast to the descriptions associated with the tongue that is out of control, e.g., a fire; a world of iniquity; unruly evil; deadly poison. Indeed, we cannot tame it in our own strength. If we fail to control our tongues, envy and strife will mark our lives!