The Bible (1)


‘BIBLE’ means ‘book / writings’

  • it was written by around 40 authors, over a period of approximately 1500-1600 years.
  • it contains the revealed mind and will of God – it is complete and perfect.
  • there have been 3 stages involved in bringing it to us:
    • revelation
    • inspiration
    • translation
  • all Scripture is the work of the Holy Spirit
    • John chapter 14 verse 26 – ‘But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you’. (THE GOSPELS)
    • JOHN chapter 16 verses 13-14 – ‘However, when He, the Spirit of truth, hath come, He will guide you into all truth’. (THE EPISTLES)
    • JOHN chapter 16 verse 13 – ‘He will tell you things to come’ (REVELATION)
    • All writers in Scripture consistently affirm that GOD IS THE SOURCE of their writings.


  • 406AD – Jerome produced a Latin version of the Scriptures known as the VULGATE.
  • 900AD – Alfred the Great translated Psalms and Acts.
  • 1380AD – John Wycliffe translated the first complete Bible in English.
  • 1476AD – Caxton introduces printing in England.
  • 1516AD – Erasmus produced the New Testament from ancient manuscripts.
  • 1525AD – William Tyndale produced the revised edition of Erasmus’ translation.
  • 1535AD – Miles Coverdale produced the first complete printed Bible in English.
  • 1538AD – Henry V111 ordered that English Bibles should be made available in every parish church.
  • A law passed to give copyright to the Crown. No author’s royalties to be paid & no exploitation for the Bible for purely commercial gain.
  • 1560AD – the Geneva Bible produced.
  • 1661AD – The Kings James Authorised version printed.
  • 1881AD – American and English Revision using previously unavailable manuscripts.