Do not forget the Lord!

King David wrote in one of his many psalms, ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul, and FORGET NOT all HIS BENEFITS’, Psalm 103 verse 2. Forgetting is a weakness common, to a lesser or greater extent, to us all. There are, of course, some things which are less easily forgotten than others, e.g. the kindly acts shown towards us by our fellow men and women. Sadly, however, we have largely dismissed from our minds the gracious acts of God towards us. Even godly people, like David, can be guilty of this and need reminding of His kindness towards them. Let us join David and recall some of the benefits that we receive from Him, Psalm 103 verses 3-8:

  • forgiveness of sins, verse 3

  • redemption (deliverance) of our lives from destruction, verse 4

  • lovingkindness and tender mercies, verse 4

  • satisfaction, verse 4

  • just treatment, verse 6

  • mercy, grace and patience, verse 8

This is a truly amazing array of blessings available to sinners: ‘He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities’, Psalm 103 verse 10.FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS’!

Please read more yourself. We will gladly send you a Bible and other helpful literature. We will pray for you. Come back again for another Message of Hope.