Independence Day!


Today, most of us in the UK will not be thinking of 4 July 1776, the American Independence Day, when the 13 American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain, King George III, and were now united, free, and independent states. Instead we will be thinking more of Lockdown Independence Day! as ….  Read More

Loving and giving!


It has been said that “you can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” At Christmas time we may buy a present for a cousin, bring it home and wrap it up with a nice bow. We hand over the present with a lovely smile and say, “Happy Christmas!”. However, we could be ….  Read More

Joy will Follow!


The Bible says of Jesus, ‘who for the JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God’, Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2. As we trace His life on earth, we discover that rejection, shame and death marked His pathway. ….  Read More

Joy in Heaven!


I know that there have been at least two occasions in my life, when I have brought joy to others. The first occasion was when I was born in 1944. Shortly beforehand, my mother was informed that she was to have twins; the news was, indeed, a great surprise! Nevertheless, I know that the birth ….  Read More

Great Joy!


‘Joy’ has been in short supply throughout the world in the past few months. Sorrow, isolation and separation have been the order of the day. As we come out of lockdown, it is perhaps, therefore, an appropriate time to be positive and to think about ‘JOY’. If we turn to the Bible, we discover a ….  Read More



Paris boasts the champion of all roundabouts! Converging on the Arc de Triomphe are ten streets which merge into ten lanes of traffic – all lanes unmarked. No wonder it is one of the most dangerous intersections in the world. Yet bicycles, motorbikes, mopeds, minis and, of course, the tour buses, take their chances with ….  Read More

Keep your distance


At the beginning of this pandemic we were told to socially distance ourselves from one another. This seems to have been changed to a requirement for physical distancing – a significant alteration in terminology. For social distance, isolation, quarantine, or separation are possibly worse for our overall health than the disease they are touted to ….  Read More

Peace Purchased!


It has often been said, ‘Nothing comes cheap in this life’; however, when it comes to obtaining perfect and lasting peace, spiritually speaking, this is an understatement! We must always remember that this peace was made possible at infinite cost to God: ‘In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has ….  Read More